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The Top 15 Medical Schools: Research and Primary Care

US News and World Report has released its rankings for 2016. There are no real surprises here; most of these schools have been a constant presence in the rankings from year to year. You’ll notice that six schools are on the top 15 list in both categories: UCSF, Penn, Duke, UCLA, the University of Michigan, and the University of Washington. This is a marked increase over past years; the top-ranked research schools have been bolstering their focus on primary care in recent years, thus the new presence of some of those schools on the primary care list. Here are the rankings of the top 15 in each category.


3. Johns Hopkins, UCSF, and Penn (tied at #3)
6. Washington University (St. Louis)
8. Duke, U. of Washington, and Yale (tied)
11. NYU, U. of Chicago, and Michigan (tied)
14. UCLA


Primary Care

1. U. of Washington
2. U. of North Carolina
4. Michigan
5. U. of Nebraska
6. Oregon Health and Science U. and UCLA (tied)
8. Duke
9. Baylor and U. of Minnesota (tied)
11. U. of Colorado, Penn, and Pittsburgh (tied)
14. University of Wisconsin
15. Michigan State

–Liza Thompson, Expert Medical School Admissions Consulting 

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