Category Archives: Post-Bac Premedical Programs
As the former director of both the Johns Hopkins and Goucher Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Programs, I have in-depth knowledge of the post-bac application process; I have screened, interviewed, and made decisions on thousands of post-bac applicants. The post-baccalaureate premedical program application … Continue reading
As the former director of the Johns Hopkins and Goucher Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Programs, I have extensive knowledge regarding post-bac programs around the country. There are two kinds of post-bac programs, “career-changers” and “academic record-enhancers”. “Career-changer” programs are for those who … Continue reading
As the former director of the Johns Hopkins and Goucher Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Programs and with 25+ years of experience advising students, I have deep knowledge regarding post-baccalaureate premedical education. I published an article in Premed Life Magazine (starting on page … Continue reading
For people seeking to enroll in a post baccalaureate premedical program—whether a “career changer” or “record enhancing” program—it can often be confusing to figure out where to apply. The Association of American Medical Colleges maintains a database of postbac programs … Continue reading
Post-baccalaureate premedical programs require one central essay as a primary component of the application process. (Some programs also require one or two short essays on more targeted topics than the “big” essay.) The central application essay usually gives some broad … Continue reading