Tag Archives: medical education
The American Medical Association started a program in 2013 to move medical education forward. Accelerating Change in Medical Education gives grants to medical schools with innovative programs. The group works collaboratively to foster and share ideas for improving medical education. Recently, … Continue reading
Medical simulations help medical students learn to provide good care. In the past, more simulations were done using “standardized” patients, actors who posed as ill individuals. More recently, however, high-tech mannequins are used in simulation centers and can teach … Continue reading
A medical student at Robert Wood Johnson has suggested several ways to improve medical education. He suggests that the lecture may be a thing of the past and he also believes that medical schools should cull resources and provide the … Continue reading
A new model of teaching in the clinical years of medical training is being adopted at several medical schools with good results. Longitudinal integrated clerkships (LIC) allow med students to follow clinical cases from beginning to end as opposed to the … Continue reading