When I first began advising medical school applicants nearly 25 years ago, I hardly ever encountered anyone who was interested in pursuing a joint MD-MBA degree. But things have changed dramatically since then. Over the last several years I have seen an uptick in the number of clients who are interested in pursuing both MD and MBA degrees, a trend which is confirmed by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the New York Times. Between 2003 and 2016 the number of students in MD-MBA programs increased by about 143%. As one might expect, the impetus for earning a business degree alongside a medical degree stems from an interest in having the skills to either lead an academic department or medical center or run another kind of healthcare organization. More medical students have an interest in entrepreneurship, as well, and want the skills to navigate starting a business and keeping it strong.
To meet the increased interest in business amongst premedical students and medical school applicants, more medical schools are including business courses as electives in their curriculum. And the number of joint MD-MBA programs has risen to more than 70. For a list of such programs, please refer to the Association of MD/MBA Programs’ website.
–Liza Thompson, Expert Medical School Admissions Consulting