Thompson Advising - Experience. Knowledge. Results.

Expert Medical School Admission Consulting and Post-Bac Program Admission Consulting

International Applicants to US Medical Schools

It is extremely difficult for non-US citizens to gain entry to medical schools in the United States. Many medical schools will not consider international applicants, while others may take applications from international applicants but may require that the applicant complete at least 90 credits at a US institution. If non-US citizens are admitted they are often required to put part or all four years of tuition into an escrow account prior to enrolling. So there are significant impediments for international applicants who wish to go to medical school in this country.

A recent blog post by Dr. Kathleen Franco on the US News and World Report’s website captures many of the issues that international applicants face when seeking entry to US medical schools.

If you’re an international student and have questions about your situation please feel free to send me an email at

–Liza Thompson, Expert Medical School Admissions Consulting


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